Thursday 5 August 2010

Linkorama Friday 6th August

The Avengers, Narnia, Del Toro, And More!

Many apologies for not uploading a Linkorama yesterday. There was a load of interesting news (some of which will be shared today), but there was a family emergency which distracted me and I lost focus.

Anyways, lets get on with the show!

The Avengers Teaser Trailer

I never thought it'd be so exciting to see such a short trailer, with just a monologue and a logo. But here it is.

"And there came a day. A day unlike any other, when Earth's mightiest heroes found themselves united against a common threat.

To fight the foes no single superhero could withstand.

On that day, The Avengers were born."

That's just epic.

On Stranger Tides

Queen Anne's Revenge, Blackbeard's ship from Pirate's Of The Caribbean 4: On Stranger Tides, is currently sitting in Hawaii, surrounded by the cast and crew of Disney's upcoming Pirate epic.

Filming began a couple of days ago, with Johnny Depp making several appearances in full costume and introducing himself to surrounding fans in the character of Captain Jack Sparrow.

According to the press spiel over on Coming Soon's article:

"Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" captures the fun, adventure and humor that ignited the hit franchise --this time in Disney Digital 3D(TM). In this action-packed tale of truth, betrayal, youth and demise, Captain Jack Sparrow crosses paths with a woman from his past (Penelope Cruz), and he's not sure if it's love--or if she's a ruthless con artist who's using him to find the fabled Fountain of Youth. When she forces him aboard the Queen Anne's Revenge, the ship of the formidable pirate Blackbeard (Ian McShane), Jack finds himself on an unexpected adventure in which he doesn't know who to fear more: Blackbeard or the woman from his past.

Rush reprises his role as the vengeful Captain Hector Barbossa, and Kevin R. McNally returns as Captain Jack's longtime comrade Joshamee Gibbs. Claflin stars as a stalwart missionary, while Berges-Frisbey is transformed into a mysterious mermaid.

So...yeah, could be interesting.

The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Voyage Of The Dawntreader

The latest trailer for the 3rd Narnia flick is up online, showing...well, nothing particularly new, but it still looks great.

The Narnia films have been far from spectacular, but they're something easy and nice to sit and watch with friends and family. Voyage of the Dawntreader is my favorite of the books, introducing many strange news lands and people to the world, along with loads of ideas about death and rebirth at the edge of the world.

I look forward to how the film series is going to deal with the ever growing adult themes of the series, especially at the very end of The Last Battle (if they ever make it).

Saw 3D, Not The End?

Saw 1 was great. Original plot, intriguing style, easy to figure out twist, etc. Saw 2 wasn't written as a Saw film, but quickly picked up and adapted into the sequel we know and feel slightly odd about today.

And then it all went haywire. "OMG" everybody cried, "We must haz more Torture-Porn Films!" and Lionsgate whispered "Ok."

And so, six films were planned, no...eight, wait, no, just six. Or seven, yeah, lets say seven. No, eight...eight films, sounds like a good number.

And behold, the actors sayeth unto the Critics:

"we thought it was ending with 7, but the writers came up with an amazing idea for Saw 8. I'd love to see it."

The critics and cynics shouted and sneered, "Where is thy integrity!?"

To which the response came:

"We want to end near the top, with our integrity intact, and not let the characters die a slow death, so to speak. But I believe in my heart that Saw 8 will happen."

And so, it happens. The Saw series lives on. And on. And on.

[source: Empire]

Guillermo Del Toro: The Games Master

So, we all know Guillermo Del Toro is famous for his twisted visions of Dark Fantasy landscapes. We've seen it in Hellboy 1 and 2, we've experienced the dual worlds of Pan's Labyrinth, and we're looking forward to his adaptations of The Hobbit (ok, yes, not directing anymore...but he designed everything before he left), and H.P. Lovecraft's At The Mountains Of Madness.

But what next for our beloved madman director?

How about a deal with THQ to start creating some games? Yeah, that sounds awesome.

According to JoBlo:

"The LA Times has confirmed that del Toro is finalizing a deal with video game publisher THQ ("Red Faction") to develop a series of games that are described as "ambitious" and aimed at adults."

Which sounds great. As gamers are slowly being delivered the promise of games that focus on adult situations and adult storylines (Heavy Rain, for instance), this seems like the perfect time for a director the likes of Del Toro to sign up and start sharing his brain with the interactive world of videogames.

It all sounds too good to be true.

So that's it from me today. Come back on Monday for more!


  1. Yeah, it's a bit silly isn't it?

    Expect lots of sharp implements flying towards the screen, probably a bit of blood and gore, etc.

    It won't be true 3D, it'll just be gimmick 3D.
