Thursday, 20 January 2011

The Way of Things...

An apology, and an announcement, from your lovely leader.

Hello again all, long time no update.

As you're all clearly aware by this point, my last update was in September...not very good for a blog trying to devote itself to regularly keeping its followers up to date on the world of Science Fiction & Fantasy.

I'm here to tell you that I'm back, kind of, in a really obscure and somewhat annoying way.

I am, as some of you may well be aware, on my final year of university. Whilst I do have free time, it is mostly taken up with relaxing after a stressful time of trying to gain interviews for my Major Project, and working towards getting my portfolio done and out of the way (among many other things I sha'n't bore you with).

Needless to say, I've been sidetracked and unable to find the inspiration I needed to write what I want to write for this blog.

Inspiration is slowly seeping back into my mind, and this inspiration has forced me to start up a secondary blog where I can talk about things that aren't related to Science Fiction or Fantasy.

Would you Kindly follow this link? [CLICKY]

There we go. Now that you're all dutifully following that blog, and this blog, you should begin to understand where I am and what I'm up to.

I look forward, as always, to reading your thoughts and opinions on all subject matters.

See you all again soon,